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What Are the Applications of Die Casting?

What Are the Applications of Die Casting?


Some examples of die-casting applications are listed below:

What Materials Are Used in Die Casting?

What Materials Are Used in Die Casting?


The materials used in die casting include a wide range of alloys. Some examples include:

Introduction To Die Casting

Introduction To Die Casting


Die Casting Process is a metal casting process that is characterized by forcing the molten metal into a mold cavity under the application of high pressure or under gravity. Because of the metal mold, the same mold can be used for producing the infinite number of castings, hence the process is also called a Permanent Mold Casting Process.

Why Choose CNC Machining?

Why Choose CNC Machining?


CNC machining definition is that it is a subtractive manufacturing process that typically employs computerized controls and machine tools to remove layers of material from a stock piece—known as the blank or workpiece—and produces a custom-designed part

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